Price of Making a Will | How much does it cost to make will?

price of making a will


A Will is an important legal document that can help you secure the future of your children while making sure that your assets are distributed in the right manner. If you are considering getting a will made, then this is the right article for you.

In this article we will discuss the price of making a will by different solicitors. You can get the most affordable and cost effective will writing service from WLS Solicitors Ltd Incorporating Abrahams Wills And Legal Services.

So let’s get started!

Understanding the Price of Making a Will | How Much Does it Cost to Make Will?

The price of making a will depends on a number of factors like the type of will you require, the complexity of the estate, and the type of service provider you hire. Here is a look at the different types of factors that sum up the cost of making a will.

will writing

1. Simple Wills

The name of this will is self-explanatory. It is ideal for people who have quite simple estates and can cost anywhere between £150 to £300 when a solicitor drafts it.

The expert solicitor at WLS Solicitors Limited can provide it to you for just £195. This cost includes some basic factors like naming beneficiaries, specifying all the funeral arrangements, and appointing the executors.

2. Complex Wills

This will is ideal for people who have multiple properties or have some specific requirements regarding the distribution of their assets.

The cost of this will can reach anywhere from £500 to £1000. The right cost of this will is dependent on the level of complexity and expertise required.

3. Mirror Wills

A mirror will is used by couples because it is a type of an almost identical will. This is a cost-effective solution because by using this, the couples can leave their estates to each other.

The cost of this will can range anywhere from £250 and go as high as £600. WLS Limited provide this will at a very reasonable price of just £300.

Why Choose WLS Solicitors Ltd  for Will Writing Services?

Your search for the best professional will writing services ends with WLS Solicitors Ltd. Let’s have a look at the different reasons why you should choose them for their personalised service and legal assistance.

1. Convenience and Accessibility

Getting their services is quite accessible and convenient. They provide home visits all throughout the week with appointments during the day and in the evening.

This means you can get expert legal advice and their will writing services from the convenience of your home without commuting. However, their service area includes W/SW London and Surrey.

These home consultations can be specifically beneficial for those who do not like discussing personal matters in a public environment.

cost of making a will with a solicitor

2. Comprehensive Estate Planning & legal advice

Apart from will writing services, WLS Solicitors also provide a wide array of other estate planning services like:

– LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney):

This service gives your near and dear ones the right to make health or financial decisions on your behalf when you are incapacitated.

– Trusts

They also help to manage your assets in the most effective way possible by setting up trusts.

– Tax Planning to Protect Your Legacy

Another crucial service is to provide advice regarding tax planning. This is done to minimise the tax liabilities so that most of your estate goes to your beneficiaries.

Inheritance tax can reduce the value of your estate, so expert advice regarding this tax liability is very important.

3. Advice from Legal Experts

The experienced solicitor at WLS Solicitors Ltd provide you professional advice regarding your requirements. They will first assess your situation and then provide you with the best possible options so that you can make informed decisions about your will.

4. Protection from Care Fees

When you age, you will require long-term care that is quite expensive. However, you do not want all your savings and assets to be used up by care fees. So, WLS Solicitors Ltd will provide you the best possible solutions to minimise these costs, such as a family home protection trust.

5. Personalised Service Tailored to Your Needs

One of the best features of WLS Solicitors Ltd is their personalised approach towards the clients. Estate planning and will writing is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It requires careful advice based on your particular situation.

WLS Solicitors understand this, and they will first assess your requirements and preferences. Later on, they will create an approach that fits your situation perfectly.

Let’s understand this with an example: if you have a blended family with children from your previous marriages, then a regular will may not apply to your case.

So, in this case, you should have a personalised will where all family members are considered in the best way.

6. Supervised Signing and Witnessing

The solicitors at WLS Solicitors Ltd will supervise the signing and witnessing process of your will. This helps to minimise any risk of errors that can make your will null and void. This also ensures legal compliance of your will.

7. Clear and Understandable Documents

The legal technical terms can be really confusing and overwhelming. However, with the expert services of WLS Solicitors Ltd, you get a clear understanding of your documents.

This is done to make sure you understand the benefits and consequences of what you are signing.

This means once your will is drafted, the consultant will sit with you while explaining the different clauses and clearing out all your queries. This clarity will help you to sign documents and feel confident in your decisions.

making a will


So this is all you need to know about the price of getting a will made. Though the cost of this service can be expensive, it is worth each penny because it provides you with peace of mind that your assets will be distributed precisely the way you want them to be and legally valid.

So what are you waiting for? Contact WLS Solicitors Limited today for all types of will writing services.

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